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Very fun! I'm gonna challenge my dad to this since he always does way better than me at minesweeper >:)


HP graphing calculators have a game like this called Minehunt. I always played for a perfect score by finding all the spots without mines anyway.

It might be good to add a way to move diagonally.


That's interesting, I hadn't heard of Minehunt before.

I agree, moving diagonally is definitely a major issue. Right now you can press two directions at once, but it's really finicky, so you may have to place orange flags to prevent accidentally moving laterally and try it that way.

One solution I am considering is adding WASD control, and using Q,E,Z, and X for diagonal directions. I might also add an input delay so you can press two keys at nearly the same time and it will still register as diagonal, I'm just worried that will feel unresponsive. I've got some testing to do. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is a really cool concept but I think that because you only unlock 1 tile at a time, it makes it too difficult to accurately guess where the mines are (whereas in minesweeper, one click unlocks quite a few tiles).

You could fix this by making more than 1 tile unlock at a time?


That's a good point, minesweeper automatically flood-fills areas around 0-tiles. I thought about adding that, but what makes this game unique is that you have to physically move through the minefield, so I wanted to emphasize that by making you uncover every tile manually. You can still go around and unlock all the same tiles that would have been revealed by a flood fill, so it doesn't make any tiles inaccessible. However, I suspect that I probably cranked up the difficulty by adding too many mines, so I might add a difficulty setting like minesweeper has.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!